Intel 460GX Computer Hardware User Manual

LPC/FWH Interface Configuration
11-32 Intel® 460GX Chipset Software Developers Manual Power Management 1 Enable
Address Offset: 02-03h
Attributes: Read/Write
Default Value: Bit 10: Undefined, All other bits 0
Size: 16 bits Power Management 1 Control
Address Offset: 04-05h
Type: Read/Write
Default Value: Bits 12:10 Undefined, All other bits 0
Size: 16 bits
0 TMROF_STS: This is the timer overflow status bit. This bit gets set anytime the 22
bit of the
24 bit timer goes from high to low (bits are counted from 0 to 23). This will occur every 2.3435
seconds. When the TMROF_EN bit is set, the setting of the TMROF_STS bit will generate an
SCI or SMI. SMI will be generated if ACPI_TMR_EN, SMI_EN and TMROF_EN are set, and
SCI_EN is not set. SCI will be generated if SCI_EN and TMROF_EN are set. The SCI or SMI
handler clears this bit by writing a 1 to it.
Bit Description
Bit Description
15:11 Reserved.
10 RTC_EN: This bit is used to enable the setting of the RTC_STS bit to generate a wake event.
The RTC_STS bit is set anytime the RTC generates an alarm (asserts the IRQ8# signal active).
The enable bit does not have to be set to enable the setting of the RTC_STS bit by the assertion
of the RTC alarm. The value of this bit must be maintained, even through a G3 state. The IFB
will not resume, from RTC, after power failure (RSMRST# low) even if this bit is set. This bit is
automatically cleared by a power button override. The IFB can resume from RTC if only
PWROK goes low with RSMRST# high. Upon reset, this bit is undefined.
9 Reserved.
8 PWRBTN_EN: This bit is set to 1 to enable the setting of the PWRBTN_STS bit to also
generate an SCI or SMI. Even if the PWRBTN_EN bit is set to 0, the power button can always
generate a Wake event (if in a n S1-S5 state), and the power button override can cause an
unconditional transition to the S5 state.
7:6 Reserved.
5 GBL_EN: Global enable bit. When both GBL_EN and GBL_STS are set, an SCI event is
4:1 Reserved.
0 TMROF_EN: This is the timer overflow interrupt enable bit. When this bit is set then an SCI or
SMI is generated anytime the TMOF_STS bit is also set. When this bit is reset, then no interrupt
is generated when the TMROF_STS bit is set.
Bit Description
15:14 Reserved.
13 SLP_EN: This is a write-only bit and reads to it always return a zero. Setting this bit causes the
system to sequence into the Sleep state defined by the SLP_TYP field.
12:10 SLP_TYP: This 3-bit field defines the type of Sleep the system should enter when the SLP_EN bit
is set to 1. IFB doesnt directly support any modes other than those listed in this table. Other Sleep
states can be supported in external logic.