
Intel® 460GX Chipset Software Developers Manual 4-1
System Address Map 4
4.1 Memory Map
The Itanium processor supports a 44 bit address space. The 460GX chipset supports only 36 bits
of the address bus for a 64 GB of physical memory and must address up to several GB of memory
mapped I/O space. The 460GX chipset attaches to A#[35:3].
The memory address space is divided into four regions: the 1 MB Compatibility Area, the 15 MB
Low Extended Memory region, the (4 GB minus 16 MB) Medium Extended Memory region, and
the (16 TB minus 4 GB) High Extended Memory region. The first three regions are divided into
multiple subregions, with dedicated purpose and semantics. The memory address map is illustrated
in Figure 4-1.
4.1.1 Compatibility Region
This is the range from 0-1 MB (0_0000 to F_FFFF). Addresses here may be directed to a PCI bus
(the compatibility bus) or main memory. Any DRAM located in this area that is not used as main
memory is not recovered. This region is divided into four subregions, some of which are further
subdivided. Regions below 1M that are mapped to memory are accessible by the processors and by
any PCI bus.
Regions below 1M that are mapped to PCI are accessible by the processor, and by PCI devices on
the targeted PCI bus (in the case of the regions mapped by the MAR this means the compatibility
PCI bus; for the VGA region this means the PCI bus to which VGA is mapped). Parallel segment
peer-to-peer accesses are not supported below 1M; a PXB will either forward the access to memory
or let it be claimed/master abort on the PCI bus below it. DOS Region
The DOS Region is the lowest 640 KB, in the address range 0h to 9_FFFFh. DOS applications
execute here. The lower 512K of this region is always mapped to main memory, and is accessible
by the processors and by any PCI bus. The upper 128K of this region can be mapped to either PCI
or main memory, and is mapped using one of the MAR registers. The range defaults to memory. VGA Memory
The 128 KB Video Graphics Adapter Memory subregion (A_0000h to B_FFFFh) is normally
mapped to a video device on the compatibility PCI bus. Typically, this is a VGA controller. The
460GX chipset supports mapping this region to any of its logical PCI segments. At power-on this
space is mapped to the compatibility PCI bus. C, D, and E Segments
The 192 KB C, D, and E Segments are divided into smaller blocks that can be independently
programmed as Mapped to Memory, Memory Write Protect, In-line Shadowed, or Mapped to PCI.
These regions are used to provide memory to PCI devices requiring memory space below 1 MB.
The MAR registers determine how each range is used. The default for these segments at power-on
is that they are mapped read/write to the PCI compatibility bus.