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WERR - Set ETS scheduler type to WERR
no - This command restores the scheduler type to WERR.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Interface Config queue ets weight
This command configures the weight ratio of the two priority groups (LAN and SAN) for an interface. The
sum of these two weight values should meet 100 in percentage. The default weights are 50 to 50.
queue ets weight <1-99> <1-99>
no queue ets weight
<1 - 99> - weight values.
no - This command restores the weight values to 50 and 50.
Default Setting
50(LAN), 50(SAN)
Command Mode
Interface Config queue ets pg-mapping
This command configures the mapping list of priority to priority groups. The range of priority id is from 0 to
7. The priority groups are LAN, SAN and IPC. This command let you assign priority id to specific priority
group. When the ETS is enabled, priority id 0 to 2 are assigned to LAN, priority 3 to 6 are assigned to
SAN, and priority 7 is assigned to IPC.
queue ets pg-mapping {lan|san|ipc} [<0-7> [<0-7> [<0-7> [<0-7> [<0-7> [<0-7> [<0-7>]]]]]]]
no queue ets pg-mapping