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User Name: This field displays the user assigned to the specified authentication login list.
Component: This field displays the component (User or 802.1x) for which the authentication login list
is assigned. show dot1x
This command is used to show the status of the dot1x Administrative mode.
show dot1x
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Display Message
Administrative mode: Indicates whether authentication control on the switch is enabled or disabled.
VLAN Assignment Mode: Indicates whether assignment of an authorized port to a RADIUS
assigned VLAN is allowed (enabled) or not (disabled). show dot1x detail
This command is used to show a summary of the global dot1x configuration and the detailed dot1x
configuration for a specified port.
show dot1x detail <slot/port>
<slot/port> - is the desired interface number.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Display Message
Port: The interface whose configuration is displayed