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Command Mode
Router OSPF Config Mode area stub no-summary
area stub no-summary command configures the Summary LSA mode for the stub area identified by
<areaid>. Use this command to prevent LSA Summaries from being sent. no area stub no-summary
command configures the default Summary LSA mode for the stub area identified by <areaid>.
area <areaid> stub no-summary
no area <areaid> stub no-summary
Default Setting
Command Mode
Router OSPF Config Mode area virtual-link
area virtual-link command creates the OSPF virtual interface for the specified <areaid> and <neighbor>.
The <neighbor> parameter is the Router ID of the neighbor. no area virtual-link command deletes the
OSPF virtual interface from the given interface, identified by <areaid> and <neighbor>. The <neighbor>
parameter is the Router ID of the neighbor.
area <areaid> virtual-link <neighbor>
no area <areaid> virtual-link <neighbor>
Default Setting
Command Mode
Router OSPF Config Mode area virtual-link authentication
area virtual-link authentication command configures the authentication type and key for the OSPF
virtual interface identified by <areaid> and <neighbor>. The <neighbor> parameter is the Router ID of the
neighbor. The value for <type> is either none, simple, or encrypt. The [key] is composed of standard
displayable, non-control keystrokes from a Standard 101/102-key keyboard. The authentication key must