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Configurable Data
Version - Uniquely identifies the version and implementation of this MIB. The version string must
have the following structure: MIB Version;Organization;Software Revision where:
• MIB Version: '1.3', the version of this MIB.
• Organization: Broadcom Corp.
• Revision: 1.0.
Agent Address - The IP address associated with this agent.
Traffic Rate Summary Interval - The maximum number of seconds between successive summary
of the counters associated with all interface. A summary interval of 0 disables traffic rate summary.
Command Buttons
Submit - Send the updated data to the switch and cause the changes to take effect on the switch.
Refresh - Refresh the data on the screen with present state of data in the switch. Configuring sFlow Receiver Configuration Page
Selection Criteria
Receiver Index - Selects the receiver for which data is to be displayed or configured. Allowed range
is (1 to 8 )
Configurable Data
Receiver Owner - The entity making use of this sFlowRcvrTable entry. The empty string indicates
that the entry is currently unclaimed and the receiver configuration is reset to default values. An entity
wishing to claim an sFlowRcvrTable entry must ensure that the entry is unclaimed before trying to
claim it. The entry is claimed by setting the owner string. The entry must be claimed before any
changes can be made to other sampler objects.