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Configurable Data
Receiver Index - The sFlowReceiver associated with this counter poller. Allowed range is (1 to 8 )
Poller Interval - The maximum number of seconds between successive samples of the counters
associated with this data source. A sampling interval of 0 disables counter sampling. Allowed range is
(0 to 86400 secs)
Non-Configurable Data
Slot/Port - The interface for which data is being displayed.
Receiver Index - The sFlowReceiver for this sFlow Counter Poller. If set to 0, the poller configuration
is set to default and the poller is deleted. Only active receivers can be set. If a receiver expires then all
pollers associated with the receiver will also expire. Allowed range is (1 to 8 )
Poller Interval - The maximum number of seconds between successive samples of the counters
associated with this data source.
Command Buttons
Submit - Send the updated data to the switch and cause the changes to take effect on the switch.
Refresh - Refresh the data on the screen with present state of data in the switch. Configuring sFlow Sampler Configuration Page
sFlow agent collects statistical packet-based sampling of switched flows and sends them to the
configured receivers. A data source configured to collect flow samples is called a sampler.
Selection Criteria
sFlow Sampler Datasource(Slot/Port) - sFlowDataSource for this flow sampler. This Agent will
support Physical ports only.
Configurable Data
Receiver Index - The sFlow Receiver for this flow sampler. If set to 0, the sampler configuration is set
to default and the sampler is deleted. Only active receivers can be set. If a receiver expires then all
samplers associated with the receiver will also expire. Allowed range is (1 to 8 )
Sampling Rate - The statistical sampling rate for packet sampling from this source. A sampling rate
of 1 counts all packets. A sampling rate of 0 disables sampling. Allowed range is (1024 to 65536 )
Maximum Header Size - The maximum number of bytes that should be copied from a sampled
packet. Allowed range is (20 to 256 )
Non-Configurable Data