- 483 -
no - This command sets the minimum time to 450.
Default Setting
The default value is 450.
Command Mode
Global Config ip irdp preference
This command configures the preferability of the address as a default router address, relative to other
router addresses on the same subnet.
ip irdp preference < -2147483648-2147483647>
no ip irdp preference
< -2147483648-2147483647> - The range is -2147483648 to 2147483647.
no - This command sets the preference to 0.
Default Setting
The default value is 0.
Command Mode
Global Config
8.7 VLAN Routing Commands
8.7.1 show ip vlan
This command displays the VLAN routing information for all VLANs with routing enabled in the
show ip vlan
Default Setting