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7.3.12 DHCP Relay Commands show bootpdhcprelay
This command is used to display the DHCP relay agent configuration information on the system.
show bootpdhcprelay
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Display Message
Maximum Hop Count - The maximum number of Hops a client request can go without being
Minimum Wait Time (Seconds) - The Minimum time in seconds. This value will be compared to the
time stamp in the client's request packets, which should represent the time since the client was
powered up. Packets will only be forwarded when the time stamp exceeds the minimum wait time.
Admin Mode - Administrative mode of the relay. When you select 'enable' BOOTP/DHCP requests
will be forwarded to the IP address you entered in the 'Server IP address' field.
Circuit Id Option Mode - This is the Relay agent option which can be either enabled or disabled.
When enabled Relay Agent options will be added to requests before they are forwarded to the server
and removed from replies before they are forwarded to clients.
Requests Received - The total number of BOOTP/DHCP requests received from all clients since the
last time the switch was reset.
Requests Relayed - The total number of BOOTP/DHCP requests forwarded to the server since the
last time the switch was reset.
Packets Discarded - The total number of BOOTP/DHCP packets discarded by this Relay Agent
since the last time the switch was reset. bootpdhcprelay maxhopcount
This command is used to set the maximum relay agent hops for BootP/DHCP Relay on the system.
bootpdhcprelay maxhopcount <1-16>
no bootpdhcprelay maxhopcount
<1-16> - maximum number of hops. (Range: 1-16).