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Connected Routes: The total number of connected routes in the routing table.
Static Routes: Total number of static routes in the routing table.
RIP Routes: Total number of routes installed by RIP protocol.
OSPF Routes: Total number of routes installed by OSPF protocol.
Total Routes: Total number of routes in the routing table. show ip route precedence
This command displays detailed information about the route preferences. Route preferences are used in
determining the best route. Lower router preference values are preferred over higher router preference
show ip route preferences
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
User Exec
Display Message
Local: This field displays the local route preference value.
Static: This field displays the static route preference value.
OSPF Intra: This field displays the OSPF intra route preference value.
OSPF Inter: This field displays the OSPF inter route preference value.
OSPF Ext T1: This field displays the OSPF Type-1 route preference value.
OSPF Ext T2: This field displays the OSPF Type-2 route preference value.
RIP: This field displays the RIP route preference value.
8.2.2 Configuration Commands routing
This command enables routing for an interface.