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Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Config snmptrap <name> ipaddr <ipaddr> <snmpversion>
This command adds an SNMP trap name. The maximum length of the name is 16 case-sensitive
alphanumeric characters.
snmptrap <name> ipaddr <ipaddr> <snmpversion>
no snmptrap <name> <ipaddr> <snmpversion>
<name> - SNMP trap name (Range: up to 16 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters).
<ipaddr> - an IP address of the trap receiver.
<snmpversion> - SNMP trap version.
no - This command deletes trap receivers for a community.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Config snmptrap ipaddr <name> <ipaddr> <ipaddrnew>
This command changes the IP address of the trap receiver for the specified community name. The
maximum length of name is 16 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters.
IP addresses in the SNMP trap receiver table must be unique for the same community name.
If you make multiple entries using the same IP address and community name, the first entry
is retained and processed. All duplicate entries are ignored.
snmptrap ipaddr <name> <ipaddr> <ipaddrnew>
<name> - SNMP trap name.