- 823 -
Maximum Advertise Interval (secs) - The maximum time (in seconds) allowed between router
advertisements sent from the interface.
Minimum Advertise Interval (secs) - The minimum time (in seconds) allowed between router
advertisements sent from the interface.
Advertise Lifetime (secs) - The value (in seconds) used as the lifetime field in router advertisements
sent from the interface. This is the maximum length of time that the advertised addresses are to be
considered as valid router addresses by hosts.
Preference Level - The preference level of the router as a default router relative to other routers on
the same subnet. Higher numbered addresses are preferred.
11.4.7 Managing Route Table Viewing Router Route Table
Non-Configurable Data
Network Address - The IP route prefix for the destination.
Subnet Mask - Also referred to as the subnet/network mask, this indicates the portion of the IP
interface address that identifies the attached network.
Protocol - This field tells which protocol created the specified route. The possibilities are one of the
• Local
• Static
• Default
• OSPF Intra
• OSPF Inter
• OSPF Type-1
• OSPF Type-2
Next Hop Slot/Port - The outgoing router interface to use when forwarding traffic to the destination.