- 914 -
Selection Criteria
DiffServ Admin Mode - This lists the options for the mode, from which one can be selected. The
default value is 'enable'. While disabled, the DiffServ configuration is retained when saved and can be
changed, but it is not activated. When enabled, Diffserv services are activated.
Non-Configurable Data
Class table - Displays the number of configured DiffServ classes out of the total allowed on the
Class Rule table - Displays the number of configured class rules out of the total allowed on the
Policy table - Displays the number of configured policies out of the total allowed on the switch.
Policy Instance table - Displays the number of configured policy class instances out of the total
allowed on the switch.
Policy Attributes table - Displays the number of configured policy attributes (attached to the policy
class instances) out of the total allowed on the switch.
Service table - Displays the number of configured services (attached to the policies on specified
interfaces) out of the total allowed on the switch.
Command Buttons
Submit - Send the updated configuration to the switch. Configuration changes take effect
immediately. These changes will not be retained across a power cycle unless a save is performed. Configuring DiffServ Class Configuration Page
Selection Criteria
Class Selector - Along with an option to create a new class, this lists all the existing DiffServ class
names, from which one can be selected. The content of this screen varies based on the selection of
this field. If an existing class is selected then the screen will display the configured class. If '--create--'
is selected, another screen appears to facilitate creation of a new class. The default is the first class
created. If no classes exist, the default is '--create--'.
Class Type - This lists all the platform supported DiffServ class types from which one can be
selected. Options:
• All