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Port: Shows the configured TACACS+ server port number.
TimeOut: Shows the timeout in seconds for establishing a TCP connection.
Priority: Shows the preference order in which TACACS+ servers are contacted. If a server
connection fails, the next highest priority server is contacted. show port-security
This command shows the port-security settings for the entire system.
show port-security
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Display Message
Port Security Administration Mode: Port lock mode for the entire system.
This command shows the port-security settings for a particular interface or all interfaces.
show port-security { <slot/port> | all }
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Display Message
Intf Interface Number.
Interface Admin Mode Port Locking mode for the Interface.
Dynamic Limit Maximum dynamically allocated MAC Addresses.
Static Limit Maximum statically allocated MAC Addresses.
Violation Trap Mode Whether violation traps are enabled.
Violation Shutdown Whether violation shutdowns are enabled.