- 392 -
Sequence Number: An optional sequence number may be specified to indicate the order of this
access list relative to other access lists already assigned to this interface and direction. A lower
number indicates higher precedence order. If a sequence number is already in use for this interface
and direction, the specified access list replaces the currently attached access list using that sequence
number. If the sequence number is not specified by the user, a sequence number that is one greater
than the highest sequence number currently in use for this interface and direction is used. Valid range
is (1 to 4294967295).
7.22.2 Configuration Commands mac access-list extended
This command creates a MAC Access Control List (ACL) identified by <name>, consisting of
classification fields defined for the Layer 2 header of an Ethernet frame. The <name> parameter is a
case-sensitive alphanumeric string from 1 to 31 characters uniquely identifying the MAC access list. If a
MAC ACL by this name already exists, this command enters Mac-Access-List config mode to allow
updating the existing ACL.
mac access-list extended <name>
no mac access-list extended <name>
<name> - It uniquely identifies the MAC access list.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Config mac access-list extended rename
This command changes the name of a MAC Access Control List (ACL). The <name> parameter is the
name of an existing MAC ACL. The <newname> parameter is a case-sensitive alphanumeric string from
1 to 31 characters uniquely identifying the MAC access list. This command fails if a MAC ACL by the
name <newname> already exists.
mac access-list extended rename <oldname> <newname>
<oldname> - Old name which uniquely identifies the MAC access list.
<newname> - New name which uniquely identifies the MAC access list.