Index Idx-7
Source Card 14-11, 15-15
Source DLCI 14-11, 15-15
Source IP Address 14-11, 14-12, 14-13
Source MAC Address Mask 9-24
Source MAC Address Value 16-9
Source NetBIOS Name 16-10
Source Network Value 15-7
Source Node Value 15-7
Source of Extended Digits 13-14
Source Port 14-11, 15-15
Source Socket Value 15-7
Source Subscriber 14-12
Special Forwarding Char 12-14
Speed (in async PAD profile) 12-5
Speed Map Dial Digits 13-5
Sq 9-25, 10-7, 11-7, 16-8
SRB ID 16-5
SSAP Value 16-9
Static routes, IPX 15-16
frame relay utilization 21-6
frame-level 21-5
ICMP 21-15
IP 21-14
IP interface 21-18
IPX 21-19
LAN card 21-11
LAN interface 21-11
LP 21-1
port 21-3
Statistics thresholds, configuring 21-2, 21-4
Status display
Bridge ports 20-22, 21-9
frame relay backup 20-19
LLC2 20-22
node 20-1
port 20-2
port signals 20-6
SDLC PU 20-20
virtual connections 20-3
Stop Remote (F9) 2-6
Subnet addressing 14-2
Subnet mask 14-2
Subscriber addressing 8-22
Subscriber ID, configuring 8-21, 9-14, 10-8, 11-8,
Subscriber Name 8-25, 8-34, 9-15, 10-9, 11-9, 12-16,
Suppression 13-13
SVC Idle Timer 14-12, 15-16
SVC Retry Timer 14-12, 15-15
Switchback Timer 7-19
Switchover Timer 7-19
System Contact 17-2
System Defaults, SNMP 17-1
System Location 17-2
System memory values 4-2, 6-3
System Name 17-2
Systematic Redirection 8-25, 9-16, 10-9, 11-9, 12-16
T1 4-7, 9-12, 9-23
T1 Link Integrity Timer 7-17
T1 Retransmit Period 8-9, 8-17
T2 4-8, 9-12, 9-23
T2 Polling Verification Timer 7-17
T2 Wait Ack Period 8-9, 8-17
T20 Restart Timer 8-11, 8-19
T21 Incoming Call Timer 8-11, 8-19
T22 Reset Timer 8-11, 8-19
T23 Clear Timer 8-12, 8-19
T3 Link Alive Period 8-9, 8-17
Telephony Interface Type 13-11
Terminal operations (async) A-1
Thresholds (statistics), configuring 21-2, 21-4
Throughput Class Negotiation 8-10, 8-17
Ti 4-8, 9-13, 9-23
Time to Hold Data While Waiting 7-20
Time, changing 2-8
Timed E Timer 13-10
Timeout if No Call 12-13
Timeout if No Data 12-13
Timeout if No Login 12-13
Tone Type 13-16
Traffic Monitor 20-7
Traffic monitor 20-7
Translation templates 8-27
Transparent Text Supported 10-4, 10-12, 11-5
Transport Time 15-14, 15-17
Trap routing
configuring 17-4
severity levels for 22-4
Tw 4-8, 9-13, 9-24
Type 9-21
Unnumbered Interface 14-11, 14-12
Updating software 19-5
User Data 12-12
User Dialed Extended Dial Digits 13-5
Value 16-8
VC to be Cleared After Disc 11-6
Virtual connections, displaying 20-3