
Chapter 5
Loading Protocols
Although a SmartSwitch 1800 is shipped with a set of protocols already installed, a
file must be configured to properly load them into the software.
To access Protocol configuration, press
, then
from the Main Menu. Then:
To display a list of configured and loaded protocols, press
. A newl y added
protocol is displayed as
until the node is rebooted, at which time the
protocol will be displayed as
X.25 is always loaded, and will not be displayed. The information is
taken from the configuration file, which does not allow configuring
X.25. This prevents the possiblility of deleting X.25, which is a nec-
essary protocol for use by internal SmartSwitch 1800 traffic.
To display a table of memory usage, press
. This information, in conjuction
with information in the release notes, can help in planning the number of pro-
tocols to run.
To add or remove a protocol, press
. This will display a screen similar to
Figure 5-1.
Figure 5-1 Protocol Configuration Menu
from Main Menu
The parameters
RLP Type
, and
Line Interface Card 1/2
are irrel-
evant, and are displayed only because some of the SmartSwitch 1800
software code is shared with the FRX6000, which uses the information.
Node Name=nodexyz
RLP Configuration
* RLP: 1 * Status: Installed * Memory Configuration: 8 Meg
* RLP Typ e: RLP
* Line Interface Card 1: UNIVERSAL
* Line Interface Card 2: VOICE
Configured Loaded
F Protocol 1: FR FR
G Protocol 2: IP IP
H Protocol 3: VOICE VOICE
I Protocol 4: SDLC SDLC
J Protocol 5: BSCI BSCI
K Protocol 6: None
L Protocol 7: None
M Protocol 8: None
N Protocol 9: None