Hitachi Gigabit Router GR2000 Series Enhanced Version Configuration Commands, Vol. 2
1-166 GR2K-GA-0014
Ver. 07-02
1.2.4 qos-discard-mode
This command sets the discard mode to a NIF, where discard mode is queue size.
The discard mode enables queuing by priority class.
Input Format
Setting information
Modifying information
Deleting information
Displaying information
Description: Specifies the NIF number
Default: None; only the displayed value is supported
range of value: For the range of NIF numbers that can be specified, see
GR2000 Configuration Commands, (universal CLI) Vol. 1.
Description: Specifies the discard mode.
Range of value: 0-3
Table 1-81 Discard Mode
Discard Priority Class
2-8 3-8 8-8
11-8 3-8 5-8 8-8
22-8 4-8 6-8 8-8
33-8 5-8 7-8 8-8
Note: The n-8 entries indicate how full the queue is; i.e., queue size.