Hitachi Gigabit Router GR2000 Series Enhanced Version Configuration Commands, Vol. 2
5-68 GR2K-GA-0014
Ver. 07-02
Can not set repalce_exp and these
parametors(replace_tos, replace_dscp,
tos_map, dscp_map, penalty_drop,
penalty_tos, penalty_dscp, penalty_discard)
in the same flow list configuration.
The exp rewritten value cannot be set because any one of the tos
rewritten value, dscp rewritten value, tos_map, dscp_map, contract
band breach packet abortion, contract band breach queuing priority,
contract band breach tos rewritten value, and contract band breach
dscp rewritten value is specified simultaneously. To set the exp field
rewritten value, do not specify it simultaneously with the tos rewritten
value, dscp rewritten value, tos_map, dscp_map, contract band
breach packet abortion, contract band breach queuing priority,
contract band breach tos rewritten value, and contract band breach
dscp rewritten value.
Can not set replace_exp because
penalty_discard is already defined.
Exp field rewrite value cannot be set because the contract band
breaching queuing priority been defined. To set the exp field rewrite
value, delete contract band breaching queuing priority.
Can not set replace_exp because
penalty_drop is already defined.
The exp field rewriting value cannot be deleted because the contract
band breaching packet discard has been defined. To set the exp field
rewriting value, delete the contract band breaching packet discard.
Can not set replace_exp because replace_tos
or replace_dscp is already defined.
Exp field rewrite value cannot be set because tos rewriting value or
dscp rewriting value has been defined. To set the exp field rewrite
value, delete tos rewriting value or dscp rewriting value.
Can not set replace_exp because
replace_user_priority is already defined.
Exp field rewrite value cannot be set because VLAN priority rewriting
value has been defined. To set the exp field rewrite value, delete
VLAN priority rewriting value.
Can not set replace_exp because tos_map or
dscp_map is already defined.
Exp field rewrite value cannot be set because tos_map or dscp_map
has been defined. To set the exp field rewrite value, delete tos_map
or dscp_map.
Can not set replace_tos or replace_dscp
because priority or discard is already defined.
Tos rewrite value or dscp rewrite value cannot be set because the
output priority or queuing priority has been defined. To set the tos
rewrite value or dscp rewrite value, delete the output priority or
queuing priority.
Can not set replace_tos or replace_dscp
because replace_exp is already defined.
Tos rewrite value or dscp rewrite value cannot be set because the
exp field rewrite value has been defined. To set the tos rewrite value
or dscp rewrite value, delete the exp field rewrite value.
Can not set replace_tos or replace_dscp
because tos_map or dscp_map is already
Tos rewrite value or dscp rewrite value cannot be set because
tos_map or dscp_map has been defined. To set the tos rewrite value
or dscp rewrite value, delete tos_map or dscp_map.
Can not set replace_user_priority. It is not possible to specify "user_priority" except in interfaces set by
InBound or VLAN.
Can not set replace_user_priority because
dscp_map is already defined.
It is not possible to set the VLAN priority rewrite value because
"dscp_map" is defined. Delete "dscp_map" in order to set the VLAN
priority rewrite value.
Can not set replace_user_priority because
group is already defined.
It is not possible to set the VLAN priority rewrite value because the
QoS group bandwidth control group number (group) is defined.
Delete the QoS group bandwidth control group number (group) in
order to set the VLAN priority rewrite value. [Route-OS6B]
Can not set replace_user_priority because
index is already defined.
It is not possible to set the VLAN priority rewrite value because the
connection branch index number is defined. Delete the connection
branch index number in order to set the VLAN priority rewrite value.
Can not set replace_user_priority because
penalty_discard is already defined.
It is not possible to set the VLAN priority rewrite value because
queuing priority at the time of contract bandwidth violation is defined.
Delete queuing priority at the time of contract bandwidth violation in
order to set the VLAN priority rewrite value.
Can not set replace_user_priority because
penalty_drop is already defined.
It is not possible to set the VLAN priority rewrite value because
discard at the time of contract bandwidth violation is defined. Delete
discard at the time of contract bandwidth violation in order to set the
VLAN priority rewrite value.
Table 5-8 Flow Information Error Messages (continued)