Hitachi Gigabit Router GR2000 Series Enhanced Version Configuration Commands, Vol. 2
5-60 GR2K-GA-0014
Ver. 07-02
pim: the total number of enable interfaces is
more than the max-interfaces value (<Num1>)
though it is less than the maximum number of
interfaces that this router runs (<Num2>)
The total number of interface addresses specified to be enable in the
pim definition is less than the maximum number of the interfaces in
which this device is operating (<Num2>), but the value specified by
the max-interfaces (<Num1>) has been exceeded. Specify the
addresses so that the number of interface addresses specified to be
enable is less than the number (<Num1>). If addition of the interface
definition is wanted, add it using the following procedure:
(1) Increase the value of the max-interface. However, the maximum
value for the max-interface is 256.
(2) Execute the config apply command.
(3) Execute the Operations Guide -New Syntax Operation
Command, Vol. 1- restart ipv4-multicast command.
(4) Add the interface address of PIM.
If deletion of the interface definition is wanted, add it using the
following procedure:
(1) Delete the interface definition so that the number of interface
addresses specified to be enable is less than the value of the max
interfaces (<Num1>).
(2) Decrease the value for the max-interfaces. However, the
minimum value for the max-interfaces is 32.
(3) Execute the config apply command.
(4) Execute the restart ipv4-multicast command.
<Num1>: Maximum number of interfaces in which this device is
<Num2>: Maximum specified number of interfaces
pim: the total number of enable interfaces is
more than the max-interfaces value at the
config apply command execution (<Num>)
The total number of interface addresses specified to be enable in the
pim definition has exceeded the value of the max-interfaces when
the config apply command has been executed in the previous run
(<Num>). If change in the value of the max-interfaces is wanted
execute the config apply command and the restart ipv4-multicast
command in that order.
(1) Execute the config apply command.
(2) Execute the restart ipv4-multicast command.
(3) Add the interface address.
<Num>: The maximum number of specified interface at executing
config apply command last time.
pim: the total number of enable interfaces is
more than the maximum permitted (32)
The total number of interface addresses specified in the pim
definition has exceeded the maximum allowance.
Specify the addresses so that the number of enable interface
addresses of PIM is 32 or less.
pim: the total number of enable interfaces is
more than the maximum number of interfaces
that this router runs (<Num>)
In PIM definitions, the total number of interface addresses set to
“enable” exceeds the maximum number of interfaces run on the
system (<Num>). Set the number of enable-specified interface
addresses to <Num> or less. To add an interface definition, take the
following steps:
(1) Increase the value of max-interfaces. The value can be increased
up to 256.
(2) Execute the config apply command.
(3) Execute the restart ipv4-multicast command.
(4) Add interface addresses for PIM.
<Num>: The maximum number of interfaces run on the system.
Table 5-6 Multicast Router Control Information Error Messages (continued)