Hitachi GR2000 Series Network Router User Manual

IPX/Bridge Information
GR2K-GA-0014 2-15
Ver. 07-02
Default: Cannot be omitted
Range of value: 4-digit hexadecimal number
Description: This parameter specifies the number of hops to the destination
Default: Cannot be omitted
Range of value:
Description: This parameter specifies the network address where the server
Default: Cannot be omitted
Range of value:
Description: This parameter specifies the node address of the server (MAC
Range of value:
Description: This parameter specifies a 4-digit hexadecimal socket number
allocated to the service by which the client can make a request
of the server.
Range of value:
Table 2-1 Server Type Reference Values
Type Server Type Type Server Type Type Server Type
0001 User 0021 NAS/SNA gateway 004d Xtree network version
0002 User group 0023 NACS 0050 Btrieve VAP 411*
0003 Print list 0024 Remote bridge server 0053 Print list user
0004 Novell file server 0026 Bridge server 0072 WAN copy utility
0005 Job server 0027 RCP/IP gateway 007a TES NetWare for VWS*
0006 Gateway1 0029 Gateway2 0098 NetWare access server
0007 Print server 002d Time synchronization
009e PORLIST NetWare
0008 Archive list 002e Archive server SAP 0107 NetWare386
0009 Archive server 0047 Advertising print server 0130 Communication executive
000a Job list 004b Btrieve VAP 50*
0133 NSS domain
000b Administration 004c SQL VAP*
0137 NetWare386 print list
*1: VAP = Value Added Process (component of NetWare286 software)
*2: VMS = Virtual Memory System (DEC minicomputer operating system)