Configuration Error Messages
GR2K-GA-0014 5-21
Ver. 07-02
aggregate: linklocal address should be
followed by % (IPv6 interface name)
An interface name is not specified in the specified link local address.
Specify an interface name with the percent (%) interposed when
specifying a link local address.
aggregate: low end of range <Mask1> shorter
than prefix mask <Mask2>
In the between specification, lower limit value of the mask range is
overlapped with specified mask. Specify the value so that mask
range does not overlap with specified mask.
<Mask1>: Lower limit value of the specified mask range.
<Mask2>: Specified mask.
aggregate: low end of range (<Value1> bits) is
greater than high end (<Value2> bits)
In the between specification, lower limit value of the mask range is
greater than upper limit value. Reduce lower limit value of the mask
range to less than upper limit value.
<Value1>: Lower limit value of the mask range
<Value2>: Upper limit value of the mask range
aggregate: mask not contiguous Bit 1 of specified mask does not continue. Use a mask where bit 1
aggregate: Non-masked bits not zero for
<Address> mask <Mask>
At mask, 1 is set to non-masked bit of specified address. Set
non-masked bit 0.
<Address>: Specified Address
<Mask>: Specified Mask.
aggregate: Non-masked bits not zero for
<Address> masklen <Masklen>
t masklen, 1 is set to non-masked bit of specified address. Set
non-masked bit 0.
<Address>: Specified address
<Masklen>: Specified Mask length
aggregate: not IPv6 prefix. Addresses other than an IPv6 prefix are specified. Specify IPv6
aggregate: out of range. Input
syntax command
aggregate: syntax error Syntax error
attribute-list: attribute-list name "<Name>"
longer than 15 characters
The specified ID exceeds 15 characters. Specify ID by 15 or less
<Name>: Specified ID
attribute-list: duplicate Attribute-filter at
The specified ID number has been already registered. Specify the
other ID number.
<Value>: ID number.
attribute-list: duplicate extended community. The extended community is duplicated for definition. Do not duplicate
the extended community for definition.
attribute-list: duplicate Set-attribute at
The specified ID number has been already registered. Specify the
other ID number
<Value>: ID number
attribute-list: error resolving’ <Host Name>’:
Unknown host.
The specified host name is not found. Specify the defined host name.
<Host Name>: Specified host name
attribute-list: invalid as_count value at
<Value> not in range 1 to 25
The specified ascount value is invalid. Specify within the range of 1
to 25.
<Value>: Specified ascount value.
attribute-list: invalid attribute-list number value
at <Value> not in range 1 to 65535
The specified ID number is invalid. Specify within the range of 1 to
<Value>: Specified ID number.
attribute-list: invalid autonomous system
number value at <Value> not in range 1 to
The AS number is invalid in the extended community. Specify within
the range of 1 to 65534.
<Value>: Specified As value.
attribute-list: invalid autonomous system value
at <Value> not in range 1 to 65534
The AS number is invalid. Specify within the range of 1 to 65534.
<Value>: Specified As value.
attribute-list: invalid { BGP | BGP4+ } metric
offset value at <Metric> not in range 1 to
The range for specifying MED offset values is invalid. Specify within
the range of 1 - 4294967295.
<Metric>: Specified MED offset value
Table 5-5 Routing Protocol Error Messages (continued)