Configuration Error Messages
GR2K-GA-0014 5-77
Ver. 07-02
Can not set QoS IP list tos map. QoS control switch of QoS list cannot be specified. Can not be
configured Qos control switch, when EXP field modified value or EXP
value has set yet.
Can not set QoS IP list upc penalty drop. Can not set QoS IP list upc penalty drop to discard. Can not be
configured upc penalty drop to discard, when EXP field modified
value or EXP value has set yet
Can not set QoS IP list upc penalty modified
discard class.
Can not set QoS IP list upc penalty modified queuing priority class.
Can not be configured pc penalty modified queuing priority, when
EXP field modified value or EXP value has set yet
Can not set QoS IP list upc penalty modified
new tos number.
Can not set QoS IP list upc penalty modified new tos number. Set IP
header TOS modified value or IP header TOP QoS control switch to
Can not set QoS IP list upc penalty modified
priority class.
Can not set QoS IP list upc penalty modified output priority class.
Can not be configured upc penalty modified output priority, when
EXP field modified value or EXP value has set yet
Can not set QoS IP list upc penalty. Can not set QoS IP list upc penalty modified output priority class.
Can not be configured upc penalty modified output priority, when
EXP field modified value or EXP value has set yet
Can not set QoS IP list upc. Can not set QoS IP list upc penalty tos modified value. Can not be
configured upc penalty tos modified value, when EXP field modified
value or EXP value has set yet
Can not set QoS queue list traffic min rate. The minimum queue traffic guarantee band cannot be set for the
QoS IP list. To set the minimum queue traffic guarantee band,
change the queue traffic category to “guarantee.”
Can not set QoS queue list traffic weight. Weight allocation of the queue traffic excess band cannot be set for
the QoS IP list. To set the weight allocation of the queue traffic
excess band, change the queue traffic category to “guarantee”.
Can not set Rate. It is not possible to specify the maximum send bandwidth value in the
specified queue mode.
Can not set shaper configuration. It is not possible to set shaper configuration information. When
setting configuration information, set it in NIFs or interfaces
compatible with shaper configuration information.
Cops is specified in QoS. cops is set in QoS. Delete cops of QoS.
Duplicate filter group configuration. The same IP filter group entry content is used. Make each IP filter
group entry content unique.
Duplicate filter interface configuration. IP filter interface entry of the same content is specified. Make each IP
filter interface entry content unique.
Duplicate filter list configuration. IP filter list of the same content is used. Make each IP filter list
content unique.
Duplicate QoS IP list group configuration. QoS IP group of the same content is specified. Make each entry
content unique.
Duplicate shaper configuration. Interface names are duplicated in shaper configuration information.
Specify interface names that have not already been set.
Filter group name not specified. Group name of the IP filter group entry has not been specified.
Specify a group name.
Filter group not specified. IP filter group has not been specified. Specify an IP filter group.
Filter group number not specified. Filtering list entry number of IP filter group entry has not been
specified. Specify an entry number of the filter list.
Filter interface group name not specified. IP filter interface group name has not been specified. Specify a group
Filter interface name not specified. IP filter interface name has not been specified. Specify an interface
Filter interface not specified. For IP filter setting, IP filter interface entry has not been specified.
Specify an IP filter interface entry, then set the IP filter use switch to
Table 5-9 Filter and QoS Information (Other than Flow Information) Error Messages