SNMP Information
GR2K-GA-0014 3-21
Ver. 07-02
Event type: log
Trap community name: “net-mgr ichiro 07/25”
4. Using the alarm object with the set subcommand omitted, create an RMON
Ethernet alarm-group entry with the following properties for the above
event-group entries:
RMON Ethernet alarm-group index number: 12
Object MIB ID: “ifOutDiscards.3”
Note: ifOutDiscards MIB counts discarded packets for which no error is detected.
Interval: 256111 seconds
Sample type: delta
Rising threshold: 400000 packets
Rising event-group index number: 3
Falling threshold: 100 packets
Falling event-group index number: 5
5. Show the resulting event-group entries.
Add description and owner to the registered event-group index number 3, and show
the resulting event-group entries: