342 Encore Presentation System • User’s Guide • Rev 04
7. Operations
Working with Live Modes
5. To clear the entire mode, press Shift + Source. The button turns off, and the
Source Selection Bus is returned to its normal functionality.
Please note the following points regarding the
Live Switch Source Mode:
• When switching directly on Program, the Controller uses a predefined set of
rules. Refer to the "
Live Mode Source Timing" section page 342 for details.
• When you enable the mode, the following rules apply:
~ If Split mode was enabled, it remains enabled. If a layer is on Program
and you select a new source, the layer automatically cuts to the new
source without any transition.
~ If Mix mode was enabled, the system forces Mix Source and Toggle on.
When you select a new source, it is routed to Preview, and once it is
stable, the layer automatically cuts to Program.
• Program LEDs are disabled on the Source Selection Bus only — but not in the
Layer Control Section. The only exception is that a blinking Red LED on
Program still indicates that the associated mixer is set to
Mix Mode.
• If a layer is on Preview only, the PIP or Key can be sized and positioned.
• You can program a "move" with a source already on Program. When you press
Move Setup, you can move the raster box on Preview and choose the
"destination" location and size.
• When using the mode in conjunction with Presets, the following rules apply:
~ When learning Presets, they will still be learned from Preview.
~ When recalling Presets, they will still be recalled to Preview.
~ A Preset remembers if the Live Switch Source Mode was active at the
time it was learned. Upon recall, the mode is enabled automatically.
• The Live Switch Source Mode is automatically disabled when you change
When using "live" functions (as outlined above) directly on Program, it is not necessary to
have genlocked sources.
• If the timings between selected sources do not match, the layer briefly goes to
Black when the switch occurs, in order to provide a clean transition between
dissimilar timings.
• If the sources have the same timing and are genlocked, the layer performs a clean
"cut," and does not go to
Black during the switch.