CTS 710 SONET Test Set User Manual
Working with Test Setups
This section describes how to save instrument setups to disk, recall
instrument setups, create pass/fail tests, and run a pass/fail test.
Instrument setups are files, stored in memory or on disk, that
completely describe how the CTS 710 is set up. You can use this
feature to ensure that every time a test is run, using an instrument
setup, that the CTS 710 is configured the same way, thus ensuring
consistent results. The disk file is an ASCII format file that consists
of SCPI commands. The disk file can be edited with any ASCII file
Pass/fail tests are tests that display a message indicating whether the
completed test encountered any of the specified failure conditions.
Up to four failure conditions can be specified in a pass/fail test.
Pass/fail tests can be configured to save test results to disk or to print
out the test results when the test completes.
Saving and Recalling Instrument Setups
Instrument setups are files stored in memory or on disk that define
how the CTS 710 is configured. If you regularly set up the CTS 710
in the same way, you can save the instrument settings in an
instrument setup. Then you can recall the instrument setup whenever
you want the CTS 710 configured a certain way. This capability
saves you time and minimizes the chances of error when setting up
the CTS 710 for standard tasks.
NOTE. Instrument setups saved to memory are retained when the
instrument is turned off. Instrument setups are retained in memory
even if power is removed from the CTS 710.
CTS 710 SONET Test Set User Manual
Working with Test Setups
This section describes how to save instrument setups to disk, recall
instrument setups, create pass/fail tests, and run a pass/fail test.
Instrument setups are files, stored in memory or on disk, that
completely describe how the CTS 710 is set up. You can use this
feature to ensure that every time a test is run, using an instrument
setup, that the CTS 710 is configured the same way, thus ensuring
consistent results. The disk file is an ASCII format file that consists
of SCPI commands. The disk file can be edited with any ASCII file
Pass/fail tests are tests that display a message indicating whether the
completed test encountered any of the specified failure conditions.
Up to four failure conditions can be specified in a pass/fail test.
Pass/fail tests can be configured to save test results to disk or to print
out the test results when the test completes.
Saving and Recalling Instrument Setups
Instrument setups are files stored in memory or on disk that define
how the CTS 710 is configured. If you regularly set up the CTS 710
in the same way, you can save the instrument settings in an
instrument setup. Then you can recall the instrument setup whenever
you want the CTS 710 configured a certain way. This capability
saves you time and minimizes the chances of error when setting up
the CTS 710 for standard tasks.
NOTE. Instrument setups saved to memory are retained when the
instrument is turned off. Instrument setups are retained in memory
even if power is removed from the CTS 710.