Fujitsu FR81 Computer Hardware User Manual

FR81 Family
6.2 Instructions Formats
This part describes about Instruction Formats of FR81 Family CPU.
6.2.1 Instructions Notation Formats
Integer type instruction
The integer type instruction is 2 operand format. There are 3 types of Instruction notation formats
depending on the number of operands. Instruction notation formats are as follows.
<Mnemonic> <Operand 1> <Operand 2>
Mnemonic calculations are carried out between operand 2 and operand 1 and the results are stored at
operand 2.
Ex: ADD R1,R2 ; R2 + R1 -> R2
<Mnemonic> <Operand 1>
Operations are designated by a mnemonic and use operand 1.
Ex: JMP @R1 ; R1 -> PC
Operations are designated by a mnemonic.
Ex: NOP ; No Operation
Operands have general-purpose register, dedicated register, immediate data and combinations of part of
general-purpose register and immediate data. Operand format varies depending on Instruction.
Floating point type instruction
Floating point type instruction is 3 operand format. The following description formats are added.
<Mnemonic> <Operand 1> <Operand 2> <Operand 3>
Mnemonic calculations are executed between operand 1 and operand 2 and the results are stored in
operand 3. For some of the instructions, calculations are executed between operand 3 and the
calculation result of operand 1 and operand 2, and then the results are stored in operand 3.
Ex: FADDs FR1, FR2, FR3 ; FR1 + FR2 -> FR3