5700A/5720A Series II Calibrator
Service Manual
switches to a high(~+17V) level while all the others remain at a low (-11V) level. If
a failure is detected, check U8, U10, U11, and U13.
14. Check the Filters. Disconnect the cable between the Wideband Oscillator assembly
and Wideband Output assembly at J1 on the Wideband Output assembly. Set the
Calibrator to 1V at 1.2 MHz, 1.9 MHz, 2 MHz, 3.9 MHz, 4 MHz, 7.9 MHz, 8 MHz,
15.9 MHz, 16 MHz, and 30 Mhz. Connect an oscilloscope to TP14 and verify it
displays a distortion-free sine wave at each frequency. If a failure is detected, check
the corresponding Filter circuit.
Table 5-1. Verifying Multiplexer U66
Series II
Wideband Output
Pin 7
Pin 9
Pin 10
1-32 MHz
1.2 Mhz -5V -5V -5V 1.2 MHz
2.0 Mhz 0V -5V -5V 2.0 MHz
4.0 Mhz -5V 0V 0V 4.0 MHz
8.0 Mhz -5V -5V 0V 8.0 MHz
16.0 Mhz 0V 0V -5V 16.0 MHz
1 V
10 ms
Figure 5-5. Waveform at Pin 6 of U9