List of Replaceable Parts
6-1. Introduction
This section contains an illustrated list of replaceable parts for the 5700A/5720A Series
II. Where applicable, parts differences are indicated between the 5700A and 5720A. For
example, Table 6-1 indicates MP36 (nameplate) is PN 600723 for a 5700A or PN
600759 for a 5720A. Parts are listed by assembly; alphabetized by reference designator.
Each assembly is accompanied by an illustration showing the location of each part and
its reference designator. The parts lists give the following information:
• Reference designator
• An indication if the part is subject to damage by static discharge
• Description
• Fluke stock number
• Manufacturers supply code
• Manufacturers part number or generic type
• Total quantity
• Any special notes (i.e., factory-selected part)
* symbol indicates a device that may be damaged by static
6-2. How to Obtain Parts
Electrical components may be ordered directly from the manufacturer by using the
manufacturer’s part number, or from Fluke Corporation and its authorized
representatives by using the part number under the heading FLUKE STOCK NO. Parts
price information is available from the Fluke Corporation or its representatives. Prices
are also available in a Fluke Replacement Parts Catalog which is available on request.
In the event that the part ordered has been replaced by a new or improved part, the
replacement will be accompanied by an explanatory note and installation instructions, if
To ensure prompt delivery of the correct part, include the following information when
you place an order:
• Instrument model and serial number
• Part number and revision level of the pca containing the part
• Reference designator
• Fluke stock number
• Description (as given under the DESCRIPTION heading)
• Quantity
Refer to Contacting Fluke earlier in this manual for more information.
6-3. Manual Status Information
The Manual Status Information table that precedes the parts list defines the assembly
revision levels that are documented in the manual. Revision levels are printed on the
component side of each pca.
6-4. Newer Instruments
Changes and improvements made to the instrument are identified by incrementing the
revision letter marked on the affected pca. These changes are documented on a
supplemental change/errata sheet which, when applicable, is included with the manual.