6-14 Installation and Maintenance Volume
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019−01
Command Basic Definition
Prints the status of the Dial-by-Name directory (Names Directory). Also provides
overall figures for Dial-by-Name; that is, the number of local names stored and
the number of network names stored.
There are three password levels. Each password can be a maximum of eight
alphanumeric characters, 0−9 and A−Z. Refer to the Configuration volume,
Understanding Configuration, Security Protection Procedures and Guidelines.
In this command, x is the password level, and y is the new password.
Default passwords are created by the manufacturer. These passwords should be
changed immediately. The following describes the three password levels:
This level allows full access to message server diagnostics, error information, and
the INSTALL and UPDATE programs. A default password, MAINT, is set by the
This level allows entrance to the UPDATE program. It also allows you to use the
LIST and CLEAR commands for the Hardware Error Table, Traffic Peg Count
Table, and all reports. A default password, ADMIN, is set by the manufacturer.
This level allows you to use the LIST and CLEAR commands for the Hardware
Error Table, Traffic Peg Count Table, and all reports, and the DEV command for
DID/E&M reports. A default password, REPORT, is set by the manufacturer.
Passwords can be set for each level, as follows:
Level Set or Change
Maintenance Maintenance, Administration, Report
Administrative Administration, Report
Report Report
To set or change the password, at the @ prompt, enter one of the following
commands, followed by the password:
PASS A (for adminis trative)
PASS M (for maintenance)
PASS R (for report)
The message server requests a password when a terminal is connected to the
message server, when an already connected terminal is turned ON, or when the
modem is accessed. The password entered at that time determines the level of
access to the message server. When a task is complete, you should disconnect the
terminal from the modem or turn it OFF. This ensures that the appropriate access
level is available for the next session.