In-24 Installation and Maintenance Manual Master Index
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019-01
telnet connection, 4−18
cable. See RS−232C
cable length, 4−14
connecting, 4−16
installation, 4−14
specifications, 4−14
system terminal port, 4−14
Terminal communications, 4−14–4−20
remote access to system, 8-1
Test, 4−30–4−37
busy extension, 4−32
DC voltage, 4−23
extension number, 4−30
functional, 4−30
hunt group, 4−33
installation checklist, 4−39
intercept extension, 4−36
intercept position extension, 4−31
message waiting, 4−36
operational, 4−30
port busy, 4−33
port ring-no-answer, 4−34
ring-no-answer, 4−31
trunk verification, 4−34, 4−35
TEST command, 6-5
alarm, 6-5
alarm diagnostics, 6-39
channel 1, 6-42
channel 2, 6-42
echo, 6-5
fax loopback, 6-6
floppy, 6-5, 6-31
integration, 6-6
LAN status, 6-6
line 1, 6-5, 6-35
line 2, 6-5, 6-36
line 4, 6-6, 6-35
line 5, 6-6
network, 6-6
Overture status, 6-6
SNMP manager system, communication with, 6-6
status, 6-43
TEST LAN command
digital networking, 8−44–8−48
messages and descriptions, 8−45
TEST NET command, remote analog networking,
3−17, 6−17
TEST SNMP command, 11B-11–11B-12
messages, 11B-11–11B-12
collocated analog networking, 7−16
MD110 adaptive integration, 14−22, 15-8, 16-6
remote analog networking, 2−39, 3−17–3−19, 4−17,
15–16, 6−17–6−20
testing, QSIG integration, 17−8
Testing procedure
AT&T Definity G3 Adaptive Integration,
AT&T System 75 Adaptive Integration,
AT&T System 85 Adaptive Integration,
Meridian 1 Adaptive Integration, 11-20–11-35
Mitel SX-2000 Adaptive Integration,
ROLM 9751 Adaptive Integration, 8.2-16–8.2-35
ROLM Adaptive Integration, 8.1-15–8.1-36
SL-1 Adaptive Integration, 6-17–6-35
TIME command, 6-18
TLC. See Telemarketing Line Card
touchtone-type telephone, 3-2
Traffic peg count table, 5-6
Traffic pegs, 8-41–8-61
digital networking, 8−58–8−61
LAN card, 11-10–11-11
remote analog networking, 2−42, 3−22, 4−25, 21,
Traffic report, remote analog networking, 2−44
digital networking, 8−49–8−65
CMD PING command, 6-28
DCSTAT command, 6-28
FINDMBOX command, 6-26, 8−50
installation problems, 8−64
LAN network problems, 8−64
LANSTAT command, 6-25
LCSTAT command, 8−52
LIST NET DOMAIN command, 8−49
LOG command and Call Processing Trace, 8−55
message delivery problems, 8−63
NAMESEND command, 8−15
NAMESTAT command, 8−52
numbering plan problems, 8−64
real-time name problems, 8−64
summary of diagnostic commands, 8−61–8−63
traffic pegs, 8−58–8−61
DTIC, 10-9–10-19
LAN card
CMD PING command, 11-7
LANSTAT command, 11-8
traffic pegs, 11-10–11-11
remote analog networking
dropped calls, 3−24
network message failures, 2−43–2−44,
3−25–3−26, 4−25