Hardware Replacement 9-21
Octel 200/300 S.4.1PB60019−01
cable shield
foil or braid
Cable Clamp
I/O Cable
Tx Ring
Tx Tip
Chassis Ground
Rx Ring
Rx Tip
Note: I/O Cable bare metal
ground “drain wire” should
be connected to pin 3
(chassis ground) on the 5−
position terminal block.
Tx = DTIC Transmit
Rx= DTIC Receive
Figure 9-14 120-ohm DTIC-E1 Adapter
Replacing a DTIC Card in an Existing Installation
1. Unlock and open the cabinet door.
2. Put on antistatic wrist strap. Connect it to an unpainted portion of the cabinet.
. The ports cannot be forwarded.
3. Before removing the old card, issue the command:
CD x
where x is the slot for the card.
4. Disengage the DTIC from the motherboard by pivoting the plastic card ejectors on the top and
bottom of the line card front edge.
5. Slide the DTIC out of the card cage.
. Handle the DTIC only by the top and bottom edges. Do not touch components on the card.
6. Store the removed card in a static protection bag.