In-8 Installation and Maintenance Manual Master Index
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019-01
domain, 8−3
how it works, 8−6–8−8
requirements for creating, 8−6
Digital trunk interface card (DTIC), 10-1–10-19
Direct Access Card, 2-6
Direct In Line feature, 3-3, 3-9
PBX without, 3-12
Directing trunks. See Preparing the Phone System
Disk drive backplane, replacement, 9-57–9-59
Disk EX command, 6-6
Disk information status, 6-33
Disk usage report, 5-27–5-28
DISKO command, hard disk drive procedures, 12-44
DLC16, 2-6
Domain. See Uniform numbering plan
Domain digital networking
uniform numbering plan, 8−3–8−9
uniform numbering plan advantages, 8−4
Double-interrupted ringback, 1-25
DPNSS Integration, 15-1–15-24
A−law, 15-1
DTIC card, 15-1
message server configuration, 15-4
message types, 15-15
rejection cause code table, 15-16
SLOTS Table configuration, 15-5
Status command, 15-11
system parameters used, 15-4
testing installation, 15-8
trace, 15-13
troubleshooting , 15-11
Drive status, 6-33
DSKMAP command, 6-10
hard disk drive procedures, 12-42
DSKTST command, 6-10
hard disk drive procedures, 12-42
See also DTIC
connecting with QSIG, 17−11
hardware, 10-1–10-3
how to configure, 10-3–10-8
installation, 9-18
LSP Table, 10-3
pin assignments, 4−46
replacement, 9-18–9-22
troubleshooting and maintenance, 10-9–10-19
with QSIG, 17−7
DTMF, diagnostic test, 6-35
DTMF In-band Integration, 3-1–3-14
Adaptive Integration optional software, 3-1
configuration tables affected
COS Table, 3-12
SLOTS Table, 3-12
TRUNK GROUP Table, 3-12
USER Table, 3-12
DTMF call records, 3-1
list trace, 3-13
operation, 3-3–3-4
PBX considerations, 3-5
call record format, 3-6
order of elements, 3-6
default, 3-6
DTMF call record, 3-6
field format specifications
fill DTMF digit, 3-8
fix, 3-8
lead or trail, 3-8
length, 3-8
system parameters, 3-8
terminating DTMF digit, 3-9
VAR, 3-9
Electrical current, 4−3
Electronic feature delivery, 12-1–12-2
Enhanced DTMF In-band Integration
See also DTMF In−bandIntegration
benefits, 3-1
PBX considerations, 3-5
Entering configuration database, 4−24
Equipment requirements, 4−13
Error message, boot ROM diagnostics, 8-1
Error types, hardware, 8-7
Errors, during backup and restore, 12-40
escape key, 11-13
Extension number, test, 4−30
External Modem, 4−16
External modem, 4−16–4−17
Fan, replacement, 9-49–9-50
Fan tray, Overture 300, 2-5
Fans, 9-1
Fax application processor, 2-7
replacement, 9-23–9-24
adding. See Electronic feature delivery/removal