2-6 Installation and Maintenance Volume
Octel 200/300 S.4.1
Octel 200/300 Subsystems
The following sections describe all Octel 200/300 subsystems. Tables listing each subsystem name,
abbreviation, part number, and brief a description are located at the end of this section.
Line Interface Cards
LICs (Line Interface Card) provide an interface to the PBX extensions. The different types of line
cards used in the Octel 200/300 are as follows:
LIC PBX Connection
LIC4 25-pair cable
LIC8 25-pair cable
ILC12* 25-pair cable
DLC16* 25-pair cable
DTIC* Coax Cable or twisted pair
*DSP (Digital Signal Processing) treats dial tone received from the distant end as a disconnect signal.
Each LIC handles the functions of ring detection, dial tone detection, and signal power measurement,
allowing automatic gain control from 0 dB to 24 dB of gain for recording messages.
The LIC has a yellow LED for each port, which indicates port activity. For the DTIC, a green LED is
lit when any of the 30 channels are in use.
In the Octel 200 LICs can occupy slots A1 through A6.
In the Octel 300 LICs can occupy slots A1 through A11.
Telemarketing Line Card (TLC)
The TLC has eight ports. It differs from the LIC because you can only record on the first port of the
TLC located in slot A1. The seven remaining ports in slot A1 are play-only ports. All other TLC
ports in the message server are play-only ports. When recording is attempted on other ports, the
Octel 200/300 prompts “Messages may not be recorded at this time. No storage is available.”
The first TLC must be installed in slot A1 unless there is at least one standard LIC in other system.
In the Octel 200 TLCs can occupy slots A1 through A6.
In the Octel 300 TLCs can occupy slots A1 through A11.
Direct Access Card (DAC)
The DAC is a 4-port interface card. When used in place of the standard LIC, the DAC allows direct
connection of incoming DID or outgoing PBX trunks. Because trunks connect directly to the DAC
card, transfers cannot be made for callers who reach the message server. The DAC is only used for
service feature applications. The DAC requires an external –48 VDC PSU and a rear-mounted DID
I/O panel.