Procedures 12-45
Octel 200/300 S.4.1
Hard Disk Add
This section provides procedures for adding a drive to an Octel 200/300. Adding a drive increases system storage or
enables redundancy.
Octel 200/300 Description and Response
The following message is printed.
Prepare the System
1. Forward ports.
Boot the System
2. Make sure software disk #1 (for
the correct release level) is
3. Insert software disk #1 (for the
correct release level) into the
floppy drive.
4. Adju st the b aud rate o f the
terminal/telepr inter . Refer to
Chap ter 4 , I ns tallation; T er minal
Communications section.
5. Press the Reload button to boot
from floppy disk.
6. When prompted, insert disk 2.