Hardware Replacement 9-15
Octel 200/300 S.4.1PB60019−01
Removing Integration Cards
Use this procedure to replace an integration card.
1. Unlock and open the cabinet door
2. Put on an antistatic wrist strap and connect it to an unpainted portion of the cabinet.
3. Use the Courtesy Down command to take the integration card out of service. If there are two units,
make sure to down both units. At the @ prompt, enter:
CD x y
x is the slot number, and y is the unit number.
4. Disengage the integration card from the motherboard by pivoting the plastic card ejectors at the top
and bottom front edge of the card.
5. Slide the integration card out of the card cage.
. Handle the card only by the top and bottom edges. Do not touch the components on the card.
6. Store the removed integration card in a static protection bag.
Installing Integration Cards
Use this procedure to install an integration card.
1. Put on an antistatic wrist strap. Connect it to an unpainted portion of the cabinet.
2. While holding the top and bottom edges of the card, slide it into the card cage.
3. Pivot the card ejectors as needed to grip the small flanges on the front edges of the card cage.
4. Firmly seat the integration card connectors into the motherboard by pressing the ejectors against the
front edge of the card. The ejectors clip onto small pins on the integration card when the connectors
are seated.
Do not slam the integration card into the cabinet, as
this could damage the board or motherboard
Once the integration card is installed the red LED comes ON. When self−test diagnostics are
complete the green LED comes ON. When the card is initialized and ready for operation, the red
LED goes OFF (less than five minutes).
5. Use the Courtesy Up command to initialize the integration card. At the @ prompt, enter:
CU x y
In this command, x is the slot number, and y is the unit number. If there are two units, make sure to
initialize both units.
6. Test the message server for correct operation.
7. Close and lock the cabinet door.