Installation and Maintenance Manual Master Index In-25
Octel 200/300 S.4.1PB60019-01
OctelNet, 6−28–6−31
Trunk, 3-6
foice system test, 4−34
installation checklist, 4−40
Overture 200/300 test, 4−34
redirection, 3-9
verification test, 4−35
Trunking, 3-6
Uniform numbering plan
collocated digital networking, 8−3–8−9
digital networking
call processing features, 8−11
messaging features, 8−10
requirements for networking across servers in a
UNP, 8−12
Uninterruptable power supply, 4−9
UNP. See Uniform numbering plan
Unpacking cabinet, 4−1
command, 4−24, 4−25
modifying configuration database, 4−25
program, 4−25
verifying configuration database, 4−25
Upgrade languages, 12-70–12-74
UPINTG command, 6-18, 6-36
UPS. See Uninterruptable power supply
User calling statistics report, 5-25–5-26
User message statistics report, 5-23–5-24
User status detail report, 5-34
USER Table, adding mailboxes
auto-incrementing, 1-6
in ranges, 1-6
Command,, VCU, 6-18
See also Voice Control Unit
replacement, 9-12
Verifying configuration database, 4−25
Verifying the equipment, 4−26
Voice, line interface card, 6-34
Voice 300, rack mounting, 4−55–4−57
Voice Control Unit, 2-9
Voice disk drives, 2-5
Voice storage disks, 2-16
Voicenet, 2−1, 3−1, 4−1
See also Remote analog networking, Protocols 1, 2,
and 3
AC, 2-12
DC, 2-12
WATS, 10−2
Wildcard characters, Network Name Confirmation,
ACP card, 2-7
disk drive, shelf B, 2-3, 2-5
hard disk, 2-17
Wrist grounding strap, 9-1