9-30 Installation and Maintenance Volume
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019−01
Octel 200 Power Supply Unit
The Octel 200 power supply and floppy disk drive are one unit. If either the power supply or floppy disk
drive malfunctions, you must replace the entire unit. The instructions to remove and install the PSU
include instructions to replace an Octel 200 floppy disk drive.
. In the event the PSU malfunctions, first check the fuse before replacing the PSU.
Figure 9-19 shows the Octel 200 PSU. The appearance of the 120 VAC, 230 VAC, and 100−240 VAC
auto-ranging PSUs are the same.
Power Supply
Power Switch
Fuse Holder
Cable to Floppy
Disk Drive
Floppy Disk Drive
Figure 9-19 Octel 200 Power Supply Unit
Octel 200 Power Supply Fuse
. The Octel 200 can have one of three PSUs. One PSU uses a 10 Amp fuse for domestic, one uses a
5 Amp fuse for international, and the third uses a 6.3 Amp, 250V, Slow Blow, 5x20mm fuse for
worldwide use. When replacing a fuse, check to see which fuse is currently used and replace it
with a fuse of the same type. Refer to the Power Supply Unit section in the Hardware chapter .
The Octel 200 PSU has a fuse located on the front panel. If all of the following conditions are met, the
fuse might have blown.
- The power switch on the PSU is ON.
- The power cord is plugged in.
- None of the LEDs on the front edges of the cards are lit.
- The disk drive and fans are quiet (not running).
. The Octel 200 can have one of three PSUs. One PSU uses a 10 Amp fuse for domestic, one uses a
5 Amp fuse for international, and the third uses a 6.3 Amp, 250V, Slow Blow, 5x20mm fuse for
worldwide use. When replacing a fuse, check to see which fuse is currently used and replace it
with a fuse of the same type. Refer to the Power Supply Unit section in the Hardware chapter.