1-10 Installation and Maintenance Volume
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019−01
If question 1. f) is configured, all new mailboxes must have a security code of the minimum length
or longer. The security code entered is the value defined for System Parameter 105 — DEFAULT
SECURITY CODE FOR MAILBOXES. This security code remains on each mailbox until a user
logs on to the mailbox and changes it.
. The User ID Logon is not configured in the INSTALL program. Refer to the Feature
Description volume, Customizing System-Wide Features chapter, Mailbox Logon section.
. XX is the value defined in question 1. f) for System Parameter 144. A default security code
must be set if the minimum length is greater than zero.
The security code assigned through this INSTALL question can be changed or deleted through
System Parameter 105. If the value of this parameter is modified, any existing mailboxes that already
have the default security code are automatically assigned the new default security code.
2. USER.
Enter each user’s MAILBOX, EXTENSION, COS, and if desired NAME. Enter as:
(Mailbox=1−8 digits, Extension=1−8 digits, COS=0−511, Name=1–20 characters)
Enter NONE if desired for EXTENSION.
Enter “+” after COS to automatically increment:
Also, enter any mailboxes to be used as DISTRIBUTION LISTS.
To add users in a range, enter as:
Enter empty line when done.
NOTE: MAILBOXES with first digit ”2” are 4 digits long.
Do you wish to add more users? (Y/N, empty line = Y)
For each user, enter a mailbox number, extension number, and COS, separated only by commas. If
System Parameter 212 — USER I.D. LENGTH, is configured, enter the user ID number after the
mailbox number. Do not enter any spaces. Press
after each line. You can correct mistakes
later by using the MODIFY command in the UPDATE program.
Define every mailbox, including individual mailboxes, information-only mailboxes, greeting
mailboxes, and distribution list pilot numbers. Make sure to enter intercept mailboxes (numbers sent
when a caller does nothing or presses
for assistance.)
. In the INSTALL program, you can define users without first creating the COS in UPDATE.
When adding multiple users that have the same COS, you can add them in a range. Refer to the
Adding Mailboxes in Ranges, USER Table Input Aid section in this chapter. You cannot cross
mailbox or extension first-digit boundaries when adding users in a range.
When adding a sequence of mailbox numbers one by one, you can enter a + after the COS to
automatically increment to the next sequential mailbox number. Refer to the + Auto-Increment,
USER Table Input Aid section in this chapter.
After entering each mailbox a colon (:) displays indicating that the next mailbox can be entered.