In-18 Installation and Maintenance Manual Master Index
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019-01
Option control chip, 2-15, 12-2
replacement, 9-61–9-62
Outcalling. See Message waiting notification
Overlapping mailbox addresses and network prefixes,
Overtemperature protection, 2-13
Overture 200
figures, 2-24
Motherboard, 2-14
Overture 300
figures, 2-29
Motherboard, 2-14
rack mounting, 4−55–4−57
Pass/fail, installation checklist, 4−40
Password, default, 6-14
PASSWORD command, 6-14
Patch, command, 6-15
PBX database changes. See Preparing the Phone
PBX integration
See also Adaptive Integration; AT&T System 75
Adaptive Integration; AT&T System 85
Adaptive Integration; Centrex Adaptive
Integration; Enhanced DTMF In−band
Integration; ITT 3100 Adaptive Integration;
Meridian 1 Adaptive Integration; Mitel
SX−100/SX−200Analog Adaptive Integration ;
Mitel SX−2000Adaptive Integration;
NEAX−2400Adaptive Integration; NPIC;
ROLM Adaptive Integration; SL−1Adaptive
Adaptive Integration, 1-1, 2-1–2-11
enhanced DTMF in-band, 2-3
Overture 200/300 proprietary card, 2-5
RS-232C data link, 2-4
standard DTMF, 1-1, 1-2
System 85/APIC. See AT&T System 75 Adaptive
PBX preparation, installation checklist, 4−39
PCA. See Line interface card; Printed circuit
Phantom number, 3-9
Phone system
changes, 3-5, 3-8–3-11
InWATS service, 3-6
trunk hunting group, 3-6
trunking, 3-6
how the Overture 200/300 works with, 3-1–3-4
InWATS service, 3-6
ports, 3-8
preparing, 3-1–3-13
service provider letter, sample, 3-11
survey, 3-5
without DIL feature, 3-12
AT&T, 2-8
Northern Telecom Meridian 1 and SL−1, 2-9
Pin assignments, 4−41–4−54
APIC, 4−50
AT&T integration card, 4−48
DAC I/O panel EP EXT connector, 4−53
DAC I/O panel power connector, 4−53
Digital Trunk Interface Card (DTIC), 4−46
Direct Access Card, 4−52
DLC16, 4−44
external alarm port J5, 4−54
ILC12, 4−45
international line interface card, 4−45
line interface card, 4−42, 4−43
Mitel integration card, 4−42
Northern Telecom SL-1 integration card, 4−47
NPIC, 4−44
ROLM integration card, 4−42
Serial Integration Card (SIC8), Merdian 1, 4−49
SIC8 I/O, 4−51
telemarketing line card, 4−43
collocated analog networking, 7−1–7−2
digital networking, 8−22–8−25
remote analog networking, 2−5–2−44, 3−3–3−26,
4−2–4−25, 2–22, 6−2–6−31
busy test, 4−33
configuration status, 6-30
configuring, 3-8
extension, 3-8
LIST command, 6-30
PRTMAP command, 6-30
ring-no-answer test, 4−34
statistics report, 5-29–5-32
status command, 6-17
status diagnostic test, 6-37
Port extension, test, 4−30
Port INFORMATION Table, 1-16
Ports, capacity on demand, list feature screen, 6-44
Power Fail, 2-12
Power failure, 1-9, 2-2
Power filter assembly, replacement, 9-31–9-43
Power line filter, Overture 300, 2-4
Power requirements, 4−4, 4−8