Procedures 12-3
Octel 200/300 S.4.1
This section includes procedures for backing up with floppy disks. If you plan to back up over the LAN, refer to the
Feature Description volume, LAN Backup and Restore chapter. Floppy disk backup procedures back up:
- All names
- An individual name in a mailbox
- All greetings
- All greetings by COS
- An individual greeting in a mailbox
- All messages in a Scripted Prompt mailbox, or in a Sequential Greeting mailbox
- All messages in all Scripted and Sequential Greeting mailboxes
- Personal Distribution List names for all mailboxes
- Personal Distribution List names for an individual mailbox
- Network Names
- All names, greetings, messages in Scripted and Sequential Greeting mailboxes, and Personal Distribution List
- All prompts or a single prompt
. Use 3.5 inch high-density floppy disks for Backup
After the BACKUP option has been selected, the Octel 200/300 checks the floppy to make sure it is not the System
Configuration disk or the Software Update disk. If it is, a warning message prints and the backup is aborted.
The disk is checked to determine if it is formatted. If the floppy is formatted, the Octel 200/300 message server
asks if you would like to continue. If the floppy is not formatted, the floppy disk is formatted, and you are
prompted to enter a name for the floppy before backing up the message.
If the floppy contains messages previously backed up, the Octel 200/300 asks if you would like to reformat and
reuse the floppy, or just append the message to the end.
The Backup supports messages that are too large to save on a single floppy; the Octel 200/300 prompts you to insert
another floppy. After the new floppy is inserted, the disk is checked before the floppy is formatted and backup
To abort the Backup at any time, press