Appendix B
CompoWay/F Master Protocol
The CompoWay/F Master Protocol is used to send CompoWay/F commands with the CS1-series PC serving as
the host (master).
CompoWay/F is a protocol used by many OMRON components for serial communications. A host computer of a
PC can function as a host (master) to send CompoWay/F commands (message frames) to OMRON components,
which function as slaves. The components will return responses to these commands. Using CompoWay/F com-
mands, the host can read/write data, settings, and operating status to control the operation of the components.
CompoWay/F has the following features.
• The same message frame format is used, eliminating the need for special protocols for each component. The
same commands can thus be used for serial communications with all CompoWay/F components.
• The CompoWay/F protocol conforms to OMRON’s standard FINS command protocol, providing compatibility
with other networks and more flexible expansions in the future.
The CompoWay/F Master Protocol is provided as a standard system protocol to enable the CQM1H-series PC to
executed read/write sequences for CompoWay/F commands.
System Configuration for Standard System Protocol
RS-232C Connections
CQM1H-series PC: Host
CompoWay/F response
OMRON CompoWay/F component: Slave
CompoWay/F command
RS-422A/485 Connections
CQM1H-series PC: Host
CompoWay/F response
CompoWay/F command
OMRON CompoWay/F components: Slaves