Appendix MV600/V620 ID Controller Protocol
DIP Switch 2
Communications protocol setting with host devices
1-to-N protocol
1-to-1 protocol
Unit No.
No. 0
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
No. 6
No. 7
Synchronous condition
OFF (LL level)
ON (HL level)
Trailing edge
Leading edge
Note 1. Be careful not to set to the same unit number twice.
2. Set them to OFF for the 1-to-1 protocol.
Note When selecting the “1-to-N” protocol, setting is limited to
N=1. In this case, the FCS check code may be added.
• ID Controller Unit Number Setting (Valid Only for 1-to-N Protocol)
Not used (Always keep it OFF.)