Appendix D
E5jK Digital Controller Write Protocol
The E5jK Digital Controller Write Protocol writes and controls various settings in remote mode for the Controller
connected to the Serial Communications Board via RS-232C or RS-485 cable.
Note Negative values cannot be written. All values must be set as unsigned BCD.
Structure of the Protocol
The following table shows the structure of the E5jK Digital Controller Write Protocol.
Sequence Communications Function
Ladder interface
No. sequence name
Send word
Receive word
050 Write set point Writes the set point. Yes No
051 Write alarm value Writes alarm value 1, 2. Yes No
052 Write proportional band,
integral time, and deriva-
tive time
Writes the proportional band, integral
time, and derivative time.
Yes No
053 Write cooling coefficient Writes the cooling coefficient. Yes No
054 Write dead band Writes the dead band. Yes No
055 Write manual reset value Writes the manual reset value. Yes No
056 Write hysteresis Writes the hysteresis (heating, cooling) Yes No
057 Write control period Writes the control period (heating, cool-
Yes No
058 Write SP ramp time units
and set value
Writes the SP ramp time unit and SP
ramp set value.
Yes No
059 Write LBA detection time Writes the LBA detection time. Yes No
060 Write MV at stop time and
PV error
Writes the MV at stop and the MV at PC
Yes No
061 Write MV limits Writes the MV limits. Yes No
062 Write input digital filter Writes the input digital filter. Yes No
063 Write alarm hysteresis Writes alarm 1, 2 hysteresis. Yes No
064 Write input shift values Writes the input shift values. Yes No
065 Write level 0 parameters Writes parameters in level 0. Yes No
066 Write level 1 parameters 1 Writes parameters in level 1. Yes No
067 Write level 1 parameters 2 Writes parameters in level 1. Yes No
068 Write level 2 parameters 1 Writes parameters in level 2. Yes No
069 Write level 2 parameters 2 Writes parameters in level 2. Yes No
070 General-purpose write Writes the value of the specified parame-
Yes No
071 Switch to level 0 (software
Switches the setting level to level 0. Yes No
072 Run/stop Initiates Run or Stop. Yes No
073 Remote/local Switches the mode to remote or local
Yes No
074 Execute/cancel AT Executes or cancels AT. Yes No
075 Switch to level 1 Switches the setting level to level 1. Yes No
076 Software reset
Resets the E5jK.
Yes No
Note Ladder Interface Settings
YES: User settings are required for the 2nd or 3rd operands of PMCR.
NO: Send word allocation: Set the constant 0000 for the 2nd operand (S).
Receive word allocation: Set a dummy word (e.g., DM 0000) address for the 3rd operand (D).