Appendix K3Z4L Laser Micrometer Protocol
Memory Switch Set 2 (3000-series, High-speed Type)
(Sequence No. 422)
This sequence sets memory switches.
Send Data Word Allocation (2nd Operand of PMCR)
First word of send
Number of send data words+0
Offset Contents (data format) Data
+0 Number of send data words
(4 digits BCD)
0003 (fixed)
w (1 digit BCD) 0: Work automatic detection is not performed
1: Work automatic detection is performed
Diameter detection method (1 scan)
2: Work automatic detection is performed
Diameter detection method (8 scan)
3: Work automatic detection is performed
Position detection method (1 scan)
x (1 digit BCD) For expansion
0 (fixed)
y (1 digit BCD) For expansion
0 (fixed)
z (1 digit BCD) For expansion
0 (fixed)
+2 v (1 digit BCD) *0: Error data exclusion function is not used
1: Error data exclusion function is used
Note Settings marked with asterisks are required for this protocol.
Receive Data Word Allocation (3rd Operand of PMCR)
Note Memory switches cannot be set when DIP switch SW3, pin 5 of the Laser Micrometer is not turned ON.
Simple AVG Times Set (3000-series, High-speed Type)
(Sequence No. 423)
This sequence uses the simple average as the averaging method and sets the averaging times per measurement
interval 4.
Send Data Word Allocation (2nd Operand of PMCR)
First word of send
Number of averaging times
Number of send data words
Offset Contents (data format) Data
+0 Number of send data words
(4 digits BCD)
0002 (fixed)
+1 Number of averaging times
(4 digits BCD)
1 to 2048
Receive Data Word Allocation (3rd Operand of PMCR)
Note This sequence cannot be used when DIP switch SW3, pin 5 of the Laser Micrometer is not turned ON.