Omron CQM1H-SCB41 Computer Hardware User Manual

3-3SectionPC Setup Settings
3-3 Control Bits, Flags, and Status Information
Control bits, flags, and status information for the Serial Communications Board
is available in the Inner Board Slot 1 area. The addresses in this area are as fol-
Inner Board Slot 1 Area: IR 200 to IR 207
The following bits are often used in Protocol Macro Mode. Refer to 5-6 Control
Bits, Flags, and Status Information for details.
Word Bits Function Communications
IR 200
00 Serial Communications Board Hardware Error Flag
All modes
01 Board Identification Error Flag (hardware error)
02 Protocol Data Error Flag
Protocol macro
03 to 10 Not used.
11 Port 2 Protocol Macro Execution Error Flag
12 Port 1 Protocol Macro Execution Error Flag
13 Port 2 PC Setup Error Flag
All modes
14 Port 1 PC Setup Error Flag
15 PC Setup Error Flag
IR 201
00 to 03
Port 1
Error Code
0: Normal operation 1: Parity error 2: Framing error
3: Overrun error 4: FCS error 5: Timeout error
6: Checksum error 7: Command error
All modes
04 Communications Error Flag
05 Transmission Enabled Flag
Turns ON when transmission is enabled, OFF when transmissions
are being processed for TXD(––).
Use with flag as an execution condition for TXD(––) when using
No-protocol or Host Link Mode.
Host Link or
06 Reception Completed Flag
Turns ON when receptions for RXD(––) have been completed in
No-protocol Mode.
Reception Overflow Flag
In No-protocol Mode, turns ON when the next data is received before
previous data is read out using RXD(––).
Sequence Abort Completion Flag Protocol macro
08 to 11
Port 2
Error Code
0: Normal operation 1: Parity error 2: Framing error
3: Overrun error 4: FCS error 5: Timeout error
6: Checksum error 7: Command error
All modes
12 Communications Error Flag
13 Transmission Enabled Flag
Turns ON when transmission is enabled, OFF when transmissions
are being processed for TXD(––).
Use with flag as an execution condition for TXD(––) when using
No-protocol or Host Link Mode.
Host Link or
14 Reception Completed Flag
Turns ON when receptions for RXD(––) have been completed in
No-protocol Mode.
Reception Overflow Flag
In No-protocol Mode, turns ON when the next data is received before
previous data is read out using RXD(––).
Sequence Abort Completion Flag Protocol macro