Omron CQM1H-SCB41 Computer Hardware User Manual

3-3SectionPC Setup Settings
Word Communications
IR 202 00 to 07 Port 1
Communicating with PT Flags (Bits 00 to 07 are flags for PTs 0 to 7.) NT Link in 1:N mode
Repeat counter PV (00 to FF hexadecimal) Protocol macro
00 to 15 Reception counter
The number of bytes of data received in No-protocol Mode (Hex). Reset
to 0 when data is read out using RXD(––).
IR 203 00 to 07 Port 2
Communicating with PT Flags (Bits 00 to 07 are flags for PTs 0 to 7.) NT Link in 1:N mode
Repeat counter PV (00 to FF hexadecimal) Protocol macro
00 to 15 Reception counter
The number of bytes of data received in No-protocol Mode (Hex). Reset
to 0 when data is read out using RXD(––).
IR 204
00 Port 1
Tracing Flag Protocol macro
01 Port 2
02 to 07 Not used.
08 to 11 Port 1
Protocol Macro Error Code
0: Normal operation 1: No protocol macro function
12 to 15 Port 2
2: Sequence number error 3: Data read/write area overflow
4: Protocol data grammar error
5: Protocol macro execution error during port initialization
IR 205
00 to 03
Port 1
Completed Reception Case Number
Protocol macro
04 to 07 Completed Step Number
08 to 14 Not used.
15 IR 204 (bits 08 to 11) Data Stored Flag
0: No data stored; 1: Data stored
IR 206
00 to 03
Port 2
Completed Reception Case Number
Protocol macro
04 to 07 Completed Step Number
08 to 14 Not used.
15 IR 204 (bits 12 to 15) Data Stored Flag
0: No data stored; 1: Data stored
IR 207
00 Port 1
Serial Communications Port Restart Bits All modes
01 Port 2
02 Port 1
Continuous Trace Start/Stop Bits Protocol macro
03 Port 2
04 Port 1
Shot Trace Start/Stop Bits
05 Port 2
06 to 07 Not used.
Port 1
Protocol Macro Executing Flag (instruction execution) No-protocol or
Protocol macro
09 Transfer Step Error Processing Flag
Protocol macro
10 Sequence End Completion Flag
11 Forced Abort Bit
Port 2
Protocol Macro Executing Flag (instruction execution) No-protocol or
Protocol macro
13 Transfer Step Error Processing Flag
Protocol macro
14 Sequence End Completion Flag
15 Forced Abort Bit
IR 208
IR 215
00 to 15 Not used. ---