
traceroute 159
WX1200-remote> display vlan
Admin VLAN Tunl Port
VLAN Name Status State Affin Port Tag State
---- ---------------- ------ ----- ----- ---------------- ----- -----
1 default Up Up 5
3 none Up
3 red Up Up 5
10 backbone Up Up 5
1 none Up
2 none Up
When the administrator presses Ctrl+t to end the Telnet connection, the
management session returns to the local prompt:
WX1200-remote> Session 0 pty tty2.d terminated tt name tty2.d
See Also
“clear sessions” on page 435
“display sessions” on page 438
traceroute Traces the route to an IP host.
traceroute host [dnf] [no-dns] [port port-num]
[queries num] [size size] [ttl hops] [wait ms]
host — IP address, hostname, or alias of the destination host. Specify
the IP address in dotted decimal notation.
dnf — Sets the Do Not Fragment bit in the ping packet to prevent the
packet from being fragmented.
no-dns — Prevents MSS from performing a DNS lookup for each hop
to the destination host.
port port-numTCP port number listening for the traceroute
queries numNumber of probes per hop.
size sizeProbe packet size in bytes. You can specify from 40
through 1,460.