clear authentication mac 169
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Examples — The following command removes a last-resort
authentication rule for wired-authentication access:
WX4400# clear authentication last-resort wired
See Also
■ “clear authentication admin” on page 165
■ “clear authentication console” on page 166
■ “clear authentication dot1x” on page 167
■ “clear authentication mac” on page 169
■ “clear authentication web” on page 170
■ “display aaa” on page 180
■ “set authentication last-resort” on page 197
clear authentication
Removes a MAC authentication rule.
Syntax — clear authentication mac {ssid ssid-name | wired}
■ ssid ssid-name — SSID name to which this authentication rule
■ wired — Clears a rule used for access over an WX switch’s
wired-authentication port.
■ mac-addr-glob — A single user or set of users with access via a MAC
address. Specify a MAC address, or use the wildcard (*) character to
specify a set of MAC addresses. (For details, see “MAC Address
Globs” on page 25.)
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.