3Com 3CRWX440095A Webcam User Manual

set spantree backbonefast 337
Examples — The following command enables STP on all VLANs
configured on a WX switch:
WX4400# set spantree enable
success: change accepted.
The following command disables STP on VLAN burgundy:
WX4400# set spantree disable vlan burgundy
success: change accepted.
See Also
display spantree on page 324
set spantree
Enables or disables STP backbone fast convergence on a wireless LAN
switch. This feature accelerates a port’s recovery following the failure of
an indirect link.
CAUTION: The backbone fast convergence feature is not compatible
with switches that are running standard IEEE 802.1D Spanning Tree
implementations. This includes switches running Rapid Spanning Tree or
Multiple Spanning Tree.
set spantree backbonefast {enable | disable}
enable — Enables backbone fast convergence.
disable — Disables backbone fast convergence.
Defaults — STP backbone fast path convergence is disabled by default.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — If you plan to use the backbone fast convergence feature, you
must enable it on all the bridges in the spanning tree.
Examples — The following command enables backbone fast
WX4400# set spantree backbonefast enable
success: change accepted.